Sunday, January 8, 2012

Movie Review: Rugrats in Paris

Hello, spongey here.

Last time, I looked at the rugrats movie. I still stand by what I said, which is that it’s really good. It had good animation, catchy (if weird) songs, and a very strong story

‘the movie made tons of money at the box office, and when that happens, they make a sequel!

Sequels are hit or miss. Some are great and are even better than the original (The Dark Knight)

Some are…Never-ending story 3.

But sequels mostly are just…okay to me. They aren’t awful enough for me to hate them, or good enough for me to love them.

So is the sequel to the rugrats movie any good? Let’s find out.

This, is Rugrats in Paris.


I won’t go into nearly as much detail as for the first film. Infact, I won’t say too much. But I will say quite a bit..

The film opens and ends with a spoof of…the godfather. Surprisingly, it works. Also it’s funny as hell. It’s implied angleica actually saw the godfather, and her parents debate if they should of let her or not.

Best parents ever.

So anyway…

Chuckie and his dad have been living happily in the series, but I’ve always wondered…where’s his mom? Seriously, did she die? Did chaz get divorced? WHAT?!

Well this movie tells us. You see, mom…died. And they talk about her watching chuckie in heaven.


Yes, the scene where chuckie And chaz talk about this is depressing.

Yep, this is a Rugrats movie all right.

Anyway, meanwhile in paris, stu’s …giant repatar robot he made for a amusement park owner lady named coco le bouche, has broken down because…it’s made by stu. I bet if he made a spoon it would blow up somehow.

Coco wants Stu to come over and fix it, so she has her assistant call Stu. Stu is kinda…sleeping so he doesn’t get the message at first. It’s pretty funny.

So Stu and the family are off to pars. Realistically, only stu could go on such short notice, but if I can believe talking babies, I can get with this.

So later, we find out that coco wants to be president of a company, and as it turns the current pres is stepping down./

Oh, and he’s voiced by mako.

Yes, iroh from avatar.

Aku from Samurai jack

]THAT mako.

So anyway, he tells coco to be the president, you need heart, and need to know about kids. Angelica is in the room, hiding from coco as she eats some of her chocolate (stu was there to discuss the repatar robot) and overheard all this.

Coco finds her and angelica tells coco about chaz, who is very desperate for a wife. So Coco decides to try to hook up with chaz to get in with the president.

Oh, and on the plane chuckie starts feeling sad that he has no mommy.

Then we get the song “I want a mom that will last forever”

It’s a major tear jerker, on par with the first movie!

So chuckie soon gets obsessed with chaz and coco, being excited that he will get a mommy. He sees a princess in a parade and soon knows he wants a princess mommy.

And I don’t want to spoil too much of the character development,. I will spoil three cool things

1, there’s another big lipped alligator moment with singing sumo of which is tim curry

Cuz if you have tim curry, he must sing.

2. there’s a dream scene with a song called Chuckie chan, which is the best thing ever put on film

3. Stu’s new robot is a giant Godzilla sized robot which you control with these helmet/glove things. Later, the babies learn coco is evil, and she leaves them with her assistant while she goes off and gets married. The babies want to get to the church so chuckie can own up and take her down.

What do they do?

Take the robot and go into the city.

Let me say that again.


Then the assistant takes another robot and goes after them.

Babies have a giant robot fight in the middle of paris.


Oh, and there’s tons of character stuff and chuckie comes full circle, and chaz marries this chick who was coco’s other helper. Watch the movie and it all makes sense.

Oh, and she has a daughter named kimi. In this movie she’s okay.

That’s all,.


This is one of the few sequels…that is much better then orginal.

It’s just a really good movie.

The character development is stronger with this one. Chuckie is really exporled in this one. His need for a mommy, and why he wants one so bad is really looked at.

Even angelica gets devolvement, after she realizes how evil she can be.

The story is very well done, the jokes are funny, and it’s just a ton of fun to watch.

The main reason this is better than the first one?

Well I said the first one did a big damn movie adventure, but put in on a small, good scale. However, it wasn’t in the bright cheer Rugrats movie. It was still a good movie, and a decent Rugrats film.

However, Rugrats in paris, is a big damn movie, on a huge epic scale. But…it’s in the Rugrats mood. It feels like Rugrats, despite how epic it was. The first one didn’t have that.

To sum it up, Rugrats in paris is a fun sequel that really outshines the original.


And no, I will not review Rugrats go wild. I think it is a fun film that Is quite decent. But I can’t say too much about it.

Well I can this,



So what do I do next?

I mean , I’ve talked about many films on here, by many companys.

There has to be one company whose films really get me talking. Films I love. Films I can talk tons about . Films I can really go into.

But what company has this?

…I know what I’m gonna do next!


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