Sunday, February 26, 2012

Yellow Submarine

Hello, Spongey here.

Recently there’s been a big ordeal regarding a certain derpy hooves, over in the brony fandom. So I’ve decided to liven up the internet, and relive you of your stress. How?
With a trippy movie, of course!

I won’t explain the subject of the film. Anyone who lives knows about the fucking Beatles.
With that said, let’s begin.

This, is Yellow submarine

The movie begins with a narrator

“Once upon a time…or maybe twice’

What does that even mean?

     We are introduced to pepper land, which is a bunch of leagues under the sea. It’s full of trippy visuals and pretty animation. Which is pretty much this movie in a nutshell.
We are then introduced to the blue meanies, and their leader. They are basically…big…blue..meanies. Not much else to say.
Their plan is to get rid of the music loving pepper land because….he doesn’t like it. Eh, I’ve seen weaker villain excuses. I joke, but I like these guys. They’re fun and hammy, like all good villains should be.
“We blue meanies always take NO for an answer! Is that understood!?!”
That’s…confusing. Does that mean that like to be denied what they want? Or does no mean yes? Whatever.

 Oh, and they also have mickey mouse ears…yeah.. Also Word of the god states that “blue” is a play on “jew” as a commentary on the stereotypical casting of Jews as villains.
Just throwin’ it out there.

The meanies stage a weird, but really awesome looking attack on pepperland. It seems like all hope is lost, but  Young Fred (some dude) and the Mayor Of Pepperland run to the titular Yellow Submarine where Fred is appointed Lord Admiral and controls the yellow submarine away from Pepperland while the Mayor is frozen.
There isn’t much of an explanation for that last part, but I’ve believed. crazier things. So I buy it.
So after ten minutes, we get our opening credits, set to the awesome song the movie is named after.

Old Fred travels to Liverpool (whose scene is set to "Eleanor Rigby"), where he follows the depressed and aimless Ringo (NOT voiced by ringo himself, of course)

We also see this cop who  smiles really creepily.

We then get a really bizarre chase scene that makes no sense…but it’s really cool looking so I don’t care.

We’re about 20 minutes in and not much has happened so far. It’s cool, but can we please get more events?

But the scene does progress the plot a tiny bit.  Not!Ringo collects his "mates"  Not!John, Not!George, and finally Not!Paul.
Well okay more happens then that. The fred guy  introduces himself to our heroes and shows them the submarine, which of course is in a trippy, weird, but awesome scene.
He gives  them the skinny and of course they don’t ask questions or anything. Eh, at least they aren’t meeting the phantom of the park or anything.

They ask how to start the submarine
“It starts with a blue meanie attack!”
Well…that’s stupid. Isn’t that thing more useful for anything other than a blue meanie attack?
“But we don’t see any blue meanies around here”
“Then it starts with a switch”

Sure, why not.

As they start learning to operate the submarine, they sing All Together Now. Get ready for scenes that have no reason other than to squeeze in a beatles song.

First they end up  in the sea of time, where time flows both forwards and backwards. They suddenly start getting older
“We better do something!”
And….."When I'm Sixty-Four" plays.
Very helpful. (well it’s a good song so whatever)

They pass through, and that scene is never mentioned again .k They then end up in the sea of science…where they sing Only a Northern Song",
This is literally right after the last song. Seriously, can this movie go on minute without a awesome trippy music video?!
…I shouldn’t complain. It’s the best acid trip I’ve had in years!

The scene ends and they then end up in the sea of monsters.
No, not that one!
This leads to another cool acid scene…with no song this time. Is it that a good or bad thing, considering the music of the beatles?

So far I haven’t had much to discuss so far. It’s just a bunch of trippy scenes I can’t describe or make jokes about. This isn’t a bad thing really, as I’m enjoying it. But I’m just saying.

A monstrous "vacuum cleaner beast" (don’t ask)  sucks up all loose objects and people and then the entire landscape and finally itself, freeing them.
But now they’re in the middle of nowhere, literally. Then they meet a strange…thing named Jeremy Hilary Boob  (heh…).
“He’s so smart he doesn’t even remember what he knows”
I should also mention, the dialogue is sprinkled with funny clever lines by the Not!Beatles. which makes the “normal” scenes much easier to watch. I also like how they are the straight men to all this strange-ness. The movie knows it’s strange so they serve as somewhat of a audience surrogate in a way.
Then they sing Nowhere man. The first song to make sense in the “plot”. After the song they take the man and head to the next sea.

So I guess it’s a road trip movie…without the road. And more awesome-ness. But in this new sea,  Foothills of the Headlands (or Sea of Heads) they are separated from the submarine.
…then they sing "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". Okay now this is the most big lipped alligator moment-y scene so far. Seriously, there’s no reason for this scene to even be here. It’s A great song, and scene, of course. But I can’t help but point this out.
I don’t want you think I dislike this movie so far. I’m really enjoying it. It’s just lacking in a sequential story…
But stories are soooo mainstream, right?

They then end up in the sea of holes. None of these seas have any water, by the way. So…none of them are seas.
“What do you know about holes?”
I really should make an asshole joke…but I’m above that.

They go through the holes and rigno…thoroughly investigates one. Hey the movie made the joke for me!
Ringo puts one of the holes in his pocket, and then a blue meanie pops up and kidnaps Jeremy. They then finally reach the sea of green. You know, that thing mentioned in the song? Yea this bit only last TEN SECONDS.
They are reunited with fred and meet the mayor.  The meanies have taken over pepperland, and gotten rid of anything that makes music. So wait, they just pulled the first bozo who could play music to save them? Then they could have gotten any music group! Well it IS the beatles. I’d ask them for help to, even If I just needed to fix the TV.

They also made the citizens of pepper land statues by throwing loads of big green apples upon them (a curious reference to the Apple Records music label),

You know, even Wikipedia says the film is “surreal”. And that’s a site for facts. 

And I don’t think I can properly sum up the rest of the film. It’s awesome insane and fun. That’s all you need to know. Oh and the beatles save pepperland, stop the blue meanies, and turn them good.
 Let’s skip to the very end, as something cool happens…

The movie ends…with a cameo by the REAL beatles! They crack a couple jokes,  melt our eyes with awesome, and sing a reprise of "All Together Now",
And thus the movie ends. Are you sad I didn’t go into more detail? Well if you watch it, you couldn’t go in depth either

This movie is insane. The animation, while stiff, is very pretty, the voice acting is good, the dioluage is sometimes  funny, and while there doesn’t seem to be much of overall story, it’s still engaging enough.
The trip out scenes are amazing to look at. This movie defines what I love about the beatles. It’s trippy, fun, and awesome.
While I do complain about it having pointless scenes, those scenes are still fun to watch. It may be a big lipped alligator film, but that’s not a bad thing at all.

It’s a strange film, but a  highly enjoyable one. Fun  movie for what it is, and that’s all

Grade: B

Wait…next month is march. And you know what that means….


(Also known as “Toon’d out month)

So what’s our first film up for review?


Monday, February 20, 2012

16 Wishes

Looks like MY wish for a great Modern DCOM has been granted.

Hello, Spongey here.
I don’t need to bring up Disney in the 2000’s, do i?
Everyone knows Disney churns out crappy teen shows and movies.
But in the sea of crap, is there one that stands out…that isn’t lemonade mouth
Well let's  take a look at a recent one.

This, is 16 wishes

As the film opens, we are introduced to our main character, played by Debby Ryan. She has a name, but I’ll call her Debby. It’s her birthday, and the normal Disney problems are brought up. She’s 16 now and wants to be treated like an adult and yada yada. She has a brother, who is…a Disney brother. Not much to say.
He enters her room and fucks around.  She has this list of stuff she wants to happen, also known as her 16 wishes.
BROTHER: You/re crush is on the quarterback? How cliché.

…d-did that just happen?
Did a Disney film make fun of how cliché it can be?

So far it seems to be typical, but in a way that isn’t awful and as noted above, it’s self-aware.
Oh, and yes, we do have a bitchy popular girl. Why do you ask?
Her day starts out shitty, with her not having any good clothes, which isn’t as hot as it sounds, and being forced to take the bus when she has car issues.

Oh, and her house gets overrun by wasps from a nest in their attic that has been building up for 16 years...

A delivery truck pulls up, and Celeste (some magic chick) comes out dressed as a mail woman and gives a package to Abby. When Abby opens it, she discovers 16 candles and a matchbox. This grants her wishes, there’s an explanation, but i don’t know if I want to mention it.

Her first wish comes true, which was to meet a celebrity. She figures out this wish thing quickly, making her smarter than all Disney characters ever.

The magic chick just says her wishes will come true.

FRIEND: well that explains exactly nothing

Will this movie…be good?!
                                                        At this point, I have to bring up the Disney star this movie is trying to push: Debby Ryan. Unlike most before her, she TRIES and goes for a down to earth approach to her acting.

Also, she’s nice.

I must also mention the movie’s director, peter deluise. What was he done?

Most episode of RL stine’s the haunting hour.

Debby Ryan was  in one episode…not directod by him, but Peter is the main director for the show.
On top of that, Debby’s newest film, Radio rebel was written By someone who writes a lot of episodes of the haunting hour…INCLUDING DEBBY’S EPISODE.

Coincidence? I think NOT!

We get more wishes, more good lines, and of course, more amazing fan service.
Don’t look at me like that.

I can’t do my play by play thing too much since there’s too much to talk about, but I’ll try. Then there’s a girls volleyball game...

Damn it movie, stop giving me a boner!
(The game makes sense in context by the way)

Her friend jay reacts the way anyone would react. Let me paraphrase
“Dude, this shit is fucked"

The film acts typical but the lines and acting show it's not,  and thus they  try to spin a good story from a formula we all recognize. They also seem to be having a shit ton of fun especially Ryan. But that’s to be expected.

More wishes are made, and the way the other character react to all this is priceless, especially the teachers. But see the movie if you want to know what I mean.
The friend of course is pissed cuz she’s turning into someone she isn’t, but not in the way you expect. It’s less WAAAH YOU’RE A BITCH and more dude this shit is fucked.

They try to use some wishes to buy some stuff but the mean chick, which was following them, steals jay’s wallet. Bitch. . She also convinces the store clerk that they are not going to buy anything (saying they are children) and are just wasting her time. The clerk believes her and kicks them out.

After being kicked out for their young-ness, she decides to make the ultimate wish: to not be treated like a kid.
And this friends, and where it gets good.

(She also says her outfit is too tight…while pointing…to her…chest)

So the wish and granted and she can now do grown up stuff.

However, this wish changes reality. The entire school treats her like they don’t know her, she is viewed as strictly  an adult, and her friend ditches her due to the first reason, and she is kicked out of school. . Her parents also buy her a new apartment and leave her to live on her own.
During this entire segment, we watch her entire world crash down on her. No stupid jokes are made. It’s taken with the amount of seriou-nesss it should.
The movie slows down as her life gets shitty, and it suddenly gets…all sad.
She tries to get people to listen, and tell them she’s not an adult, but due to the wish, and her desire to be older, they think she is an adult.
I’m not crying, I’m just sweating through my eyes.

How did this this movie get so depressing? Why is the heart natural? Why is the acting good?!

She tries to change the wish (she has this list thingy) but to no avail. Celeste saysa  wish cannot be changed, and she still has to deal with her deep issues.
This is a DCOM, right?

She uses another wish, which is that her parents would understand her. She tries to explain why she wants to be treated as a teen, not an adult.
Her mother says that she is just letting her be what she wanted to be: independent. They understand her…but not in the way she wants.
Again, this is a TV Disney film, Why is so…not stupid?!

Abby goes to Krista's Sweet 16 and convinces Jay that they are best friends by showing him the birthday present he gave her which restores his memories of her, though, Jay can't help her. Awww…wait…can’t help her?
Damn it movie, you are Disney. Start sucking, now!

Oh, and yes she does end up hooking up with her friend. Predictable, but works among the film other deep elements.

But that’s not til a little but later. Abby wishes for the best party ever. However, no one knows it’s for her due to some stuff I can’t explain. To make it worse, jay ditches her and things get even worse.
She than heads home in depression .

Seriously, watching her get shit on this point is really freaking depressing. Again, no dumb jokes are made. Its only funny if you are sadistic.
Again, sweating through eyes.

Abby eventually finds a loophole through the rules, seeing as how her last wish was a picture of her crush, glued on with gum, which seems to act as a "barrier" between the picture and the rules. She switches the picture for a picture taken that morning of her and wishes she could go back to that morning.
Its less of an anti-climax in context.
Abby's life then goes back to normal, along with some dead wasps in the process. She and Krista reconcile after Krista (the bitch) tells Abby why she hates her. Back in the 3rd grade, Abby and Jay made a pact to be best friends forever, leaving Krista out, though up until that point, Krista and Jay had been best friends

So they team  up and abby’s life turns into something that isn’t shitty. Things turn out well ,abby and jay hook up in a quiet subtle moment, and with that, our film ends.


Sorry for but being not  as in depth as I normally am., but hey, let’s cut to  the chase.

This movie is really good. The characters are interesting, they don’t get on your nerves, and the story moves in cool directions, the writers actually gave them good lines!

It has tear jerking moments, it has deep moments, there’s no sugar coating, and  it's even pretty funny.
There’s not much else I can say outside of what I’ve already brought up.
Lemonade mouth is the same. Really good and actually entertaining. I have yet to see Radio Rebel but I hear it’s the same deal.
Disney is getting their shit together


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fred The Movie

Hello, Spongey here.

Back in my list of things I like the others I hate, number 9 was 10 was Fred. I didn’t really explain, I just assumed you’d question me and my explanation would not sway you.
Well, allow me to explain it a TINY bit.

Fred is an internet video series centering around the dysfunctional 6-year-old Fred Figglehorn, created by Lucas Cruikshank.
Fred lives with his recovering drug-addicted and alcoholic mother, whose voice is often heard, and his grandmother. It is implied that Fred has been the victim of child abuse  however he frequently speaks of his love for his mother, particularly after her stay at rehab. Fred's father is mentioned several times as being on death row in the state penitentiary. Fred has not met his father, as he left Mrs. Figglehorn while she was still pregnant with Fred.
Drug addicted mother, child abuse, and one ep that implies she is also a prostitute.
You know-for kids!
Ya, I liked it. It was fun and of course it wasn’t too dumb for kids due to all the stuff I listed.  However, like all things on the internet, it had to be ruined.
(Cruikshank believes that viewers either "automatically love Fred or automatically hate Fred, there is no in between". At least he admits it)
The media got ahold of him and whored him out. His web show changed to include other characters on screen. It went downhill and became really stupid. He started showing up everywhere, from an icarly episode to being just wherever you go. He was a just another funny internet guy, but now he is a whore.
But then, it got worse. With something that should never have happened.
This, is Fred The Movie.

The film begins with a typical fred web short. Then we find out in the movie…he has no high pitched voice. Okay, you think this would make him less annoying. But…it makes him…more so!

When his voice was high, you could see that fred the character was an 8 year old. Sorta. He seemed young and you got that he was simply a stupid kid, even if his actor was like 14.
Here, without the voice, he sounds simply too stupid to be a teen and too old to be a kid. It makes all his annoying lines ten times more painful to sit through.

He talks about how he’s happy that he has a bunch of days off school and man does it get on your nerves. Oh, and this…IS LESS THAN ONE FULL MINUTE IN,

We then escape the confides of the web show and branch out and see the rest of his world. Wayne’s world did this kind of thing first, only it didn’t suck.

And then we see judy, the chick Fred has always liked.  Oh, and judy is, about like 15. Her actress is     21. What.

Fred then stalks her, cuz that’s so not creepy at all. It’s at this point we meet the bully from the web show, kevin.. In the webshow, it was joked that he was kinda fat and had man boobs, so thus the fact that judy liked him over skinny fred was funny.
This is what the movie kevin looks like.

…What the fuck. You can’t even get the damn characters right?!

Hell, Cartoon Networks MAD did a Fred spoof…which had Kevin fat! Why is a spoof making fun of Fred more faithful?!

Fred then informs us about his life, and yada yada. He continues to be an ungodly annoyance. He tells us that his Friday sucked cuz he was bullied…oh and judy defends him. So she’s okay with him. In the show she hated him and thought he was  a stalker.

We also get an imagine spot in which fred has kevin arrested for singing bad to judy (that’s the joke, so I’ll forgive that, as stupid as it is). We see kevin being carted away as he keeps singing to judy and …damn he seems sympathetic. Yeah he’s a douche…but in this scene I feel bad.
WTF movie.

We then meet Fred’s friend, bertha.  Played by Jennette McCurdy. Yes, sam from icarly. In that, she was alright. Here...she's not. End of story.

Anyway, we cut to Fred missing his dad, and pretending to talk to him. Fred then imagines his dad up for supported. Said dad is played…by john cena.

Wait, that can’t be right. Let me check again.



We also get another imagine spot with them singing some stupid song.. 10 minutes in and we have no plot outside of what we know in the show. Yay.

Fred heads to judy’s house, but runs into Kevin. I’ll admit, kevin is the best part so far. Not really enjoyable, but I can see why he fucking hates fred.
Fred runs like a pussy kevin when says “This is my cul-de-sac”. Wait, we have a bully named kevin who picks on a a cul de- sac.
Never seen that before.

We then meet his mom, which is the only part faithful to the show. She’s lazy, and seems to dislike fred. Another character I can root for! …But she less than a minute later, she goes to bed.
Fred talks to John cena again, who tells him to just go after judy instead of being a pussy.  Fred decides to go to judy’s house through the backdoor.
“I’ve never seen judy’s backdoor, but I bet it’s really nice”


The movie then stops to have fred try several zany scemes to get over a wall which blocks their two houses…for whatever reason.
Uh, hey fred. There’s this  new thing, it’s called WALKING AROUND THE FUCKING WALL.

Fred digs a hole…and somehow ends up in china. Lame.

So fred uses a comic book ad to buy an invisibility coat…..which leads to another sadistic imagine spot that makes me like kevin even though the movie wants us to hate him.

It doesn’t work and thus he tries another disguise. Uh, does this movie have a plot? This would work fine as a TV show episode but not a fucking movie!

He finally makes it to her house,  past kevin…and sees that she’s not in but, Asian  people are instead.
“Asian people kidnapped judy!”

Racism ftw!

“Who should I call?”

…Ghostbusters. No seriously call ghostbusters. PLEASE,.

Turns out she moved…without telling anyone. That makes sense. His mom knew and didn’t tell him cuz she didn’t know he’d be upset. Whatever. Fred has a annoying tantrum, as expected. Seriously, my ears hurt.

In the middle of the  night, he imagines john cena taking him from his home to tell him some stuff.
“Judy’s been kidnapped…by kidnappers”

Who wrote this, lady Redundant Women?

John shows him a transmission…which at first is a…dora the explorer episode.
John cena looked at this scene in the script. John cena acted this scene. John cena was paid for it. John cena didn’t question it.

He wakes up the next day and decides to go rescue judy. Fred looks up her new house online, and zooms in on the pic to see if he can see her….and sees a guy taking a shit on a  toilet, implying he is naked with a book covering his dick.

Which is weird cuz crabs don’t HAVE uvula’s.

.Fred then decides to go take the bus to her house. How exciting. Fred runs into kevin, who has a cast on his arm.
“I bet god pushed them down because he hates you way you sing”
Racist jokes and religion jokes. Having fun yet kids?

After that, Fred gets on the bus…the wrong bus. Then he goes to rock bottom and has a big adventure. Wait…..He then meets a cool guy named Derf. Gee that’s so not Fred backwards.

Derf is clearly annoyed by fred and we have another character we feel bad for despite the film not wanting us to.  Classy.

He gets off and ends up on the beach and runs into bertha again.  Oh and he’s wearing a coat and she comments that he’s not wearing a bathing suit.
“Too much sex appeal”
Did i mention that the writer of this movie used to work on Family Guy?

BERTHA: some kid pooped in the pool.

Oh hey I was wondering where the shit jokes were! She then buries his head in the sand. Then vultures eat him!

Pfft, I wish,.
Then we see an imagine spot with kevin rescuing judy from drowning. It’s pointless. He then..just gets out of  the sand, and heads off.

The scene makes no sense, has nothing to with the plot, and is never brought up again. I won’t even say it.

Fred then gets naked and goes to the laundry mat…then leaves. This movie is nothing but pointless scenes that have no reason to exist!

Fred then just cleans himself off In a car wash..Then there’s a random music video with him and judy…

This is just a pointless fucking movie.

I can’t even find much to make fun of! It’s just stupid and pointless! I can’t say much beyond what happens and that it’s stupid!

How can you make fun of something that clearly shows off it’s bad-ness, in a bad way?!

I can’t really figure out what happens next, but fred like goes into  a pet store and like tries to  take a dog, which does not please the owner.
“Oh my god, he’s a gangbanger!”



Okay, I’m fine, I’m cool . I was just a bit peeved that film for kids said the phrase gang-FUCK THIS MOVIE I’LL KILL YOU ALL.

…sorry about that.

Then fred leaves and just goes on. Fred then runs into a dam


“Hey watch that cussing”

He asks the damn guy where to get to the bus and says it’s past the woods, which fred is scared of. He mocks the fuck out of fred and tells him to man  up. So Fred heads into the woods and finds…a talking….deer.


Then the deer leaves  and Fred runs out of the woods. Do I even need to say how FUCKING POINTLESS THAT WAS?!

Fred camps out at the bust stop…and runs into Derf again.They talk. Fred gets on the bus, and the bus leaves. Whatever, this movie’s got like 20 minutes left, let’s just continue.

He makes it to judy’s house, and we find out she hates her new house, and she has a hot fanservice outfit to boot!

They kiss and then- ...It turns out to be a dream.

Fred arrives at her house for REAL where judy is having a party. Kevin is there, and mocks him, and judy says he should leave.
Everyone starts mocking the fuck out of him, and fred starts mocking judy for not being judy or whatever the movie’s almost done.

Then fred barfs all over the place. K whatever.

Fred heads home, depressed and stuff. At this point the movie shuts up and no one talks for like a solid minute.
Ah, peace. I haven’t felt like in a long time…

Fred….then screams about how bad that was.…fuck this movie.

Fred then goes on youtube (PRODUCT PLACEMENT FTW) and sees a video kevin made of the party. This movie is so outdated now that youtube changed the bar thingy.

“Why do people even watch other people on youtube? It’s weird, it’s creepy!”
….then why are you talking to the camera to MAKE a  video for people to-
Fuck it.

Fred says he shall have a party…and invite no one. He heads to kevin’s house, and asks kevin’s mom to get kevin.
KEVIN: Mom, I’m in the crapper!

“I met your father at a party”
“Mom, that’s disgusting”
…crap joke, then a sex joke.

I…have no words anymore.

Fred starts handing out dis-invations, and upon learning bertha was not invited to judy’s party, he invites bertha to HIS party…and that scene had more romance than any fred/judy scene.
Just sayin'

Fred throws the party and  there is a  awful stupid lame scene. Fred films it and debates if he should send the video in a annoying scene, but sends it anyway.

We see the final video and it’s stupid. Oh and the way it’s filmed is in a way that seems to imply fred wanted them to think he was…doing stuff with bertha, judging by all the…interesting shots.

This movie is not for kids. It’s for the mentally challegned...and even then i doubt they would like it.

He makes the party look like it was insane and huge and tons of people showed up, and yada yada. Then we see people talking good about fred and his “party” and stuff like that. Fred is talking to his mom and he shows the same pic of the guy crapping. Oh joy that gag’s back.
Did i mention the "actor" "playing" the guy in the pic is the director of this movie? Hey, the making of the movie pictures belong on the special features!

Turns out mom knows him and she dated him 15 years ago…and Fred is 15.
Oh my god. It all makes sense now…


Actually, it’s implied fred’s dad is whoever lived at judy’s house before.  So fred’s dad is actually not john cena…
Wait, in the show fred’s dad was in the state penn, yet here he’s…not. Just missing.

The movie attempts to have a heartwarming scene where judy apologizes  to fred. Again, trashing the web show and all it set up. Judy asks fred to let him in so they can sing together (fred’s goal the entire movie), and after yelling annoyingly, fred accepts.
And finally, the film ends.

Final Thoughts:
Disaster Movie was really bad.
Son of the mask was awful.

This movie is so fucking awful. While watching I was annoyed by literally every single thing that happened. I cannot say one good thing about this movie that the filmmakers wanted to make good.  Even with the fucking last airbender, I could praise the effects.
Okay, Cena’s parts were CLOSE to funny, but only close, as they quickly became loud, stupid, and annoying.

A lot of the bad movise I’ve seen have a reason to exist. The ideas were good. A sequel to the mask was a good idea. A movie of Avatar was a good idea.
A movie of fred was NOT a good idea!

Fred cannot work as a movie at all. This movie is a huge discrace. It has little to do with the show, it changes shit for no reason, and this movie is retconned by all fred videos that came after it!

The characters are boring,  annoying, and stupid, there is no fucking plot, and it’s padded to the max. It’s not funny, fred is a piss stain, and nothing cool is in it!

Unlike other bad films I’ve seen, they have a reason, I  can see the makers may be proud of them. But I can’t see why anyone working on this liked it!
It’s offensive at how bad it is. There’s racist jokes, sex jokes, shit jokes, and it’s bad for kids too! Kids can be smart and they deserve much better than this filth.

Fred is simply a sellout thanks to this.

Overall, it’s annoying, stupid, and pointless.

At least we’ll never see him again…

I hate humanity.

(If you'd like to see another guy review this check This video out