Hello, Spongey here.
Recently there’s been a big ordeal regarding a certain derpy hooves, over in the brony fandom. So I’ve decided to liven up the internet, and relive you of your stress. How?
With a trippy movie, of course!
I won’t explain the subject of the film. Anyone who lives knows about the fucking Beatles.
With that said, let’s begin.
This, is Yellow submarine
The movie begins with a narrator
“Once upon a time…or maybe twice’
What does that even mean?
We are introduced to pepper land, which is a bunch of leagues under the sea. It’s full of trippy visuals and pretty animation. Which is pretty much this movie in a nutshell.
We are then introduced to the blue meanies, and their leader. They are basically…big…blue..meanies. Not much else to say.
Their plan is to get rid of the music loving pepper land because….he doesn’t like it. Eh, I’ve seen weaker villain excuses. I joke, but I like these guys. They’re fun and hammy, like all good villains should be.
“We blue meanies always take NO for an answer! Is that understood!?!”
That’s…confusing. Does that mean that like to be denied what they want? Or does no mean yes? Whatever.
Oh, and they also have mickey mouse ears…yeah.. Also Word of the god states that “blue” is a play on “jew” as a commentary on the stereotypical casting of Jews as villains.
Oh, and they also have mickey mouse ears…yeah.. Also Word of the god states that “blue” is a play on “jew” as a commentary on the stereotypical casting of Jews as villains.
Just throwin’ it out there.
The meanies stage a weird, but really awesome looking attack on pepperland. It seems like all hope is lost, but Young Fred (some dude) and the Mayor Of Pepperland run to the titular Yellow Submarine where Fred is appointed Lord Admiral and controls the yellow submarine away from Pepperland while the Mayor is frozen.
There isn’t much of an explanation for that last part, but I’ve believed. crazier things. So I buy it.
So after ten minutes, we get our opening credits, set to the awesome song the movie is named after.
Old Fred travels to Liverpool (whose scene is set to "Eleanor Rigby"), where he follows the depressed and aimless Ringo (NOT voiced by ringo himself, of course)
We then get a really bizarre chase scene that makes no sense…but it’s really cool looking so I don’t care.
We’re about 20 minutes in and not much has happened so far. It’s cool, but can we please get more events?
But the scene does progress the plot a tiny bit. Not!Ringo collects his "mates" Not!John, Not!George, and finally Not!Paul.
Well okay more happens then that. The fred guy introduces himself to our heroes and shows them the submarine, which of course is in a trippy, weird, but awesome scene.
He gives them the skinny and of course they don’t ask questions or anything. Eh, at least they aren’t meeting the phantom of the park or anything.
They ask how to start the submarine
“It starts with a blue meanie attack!”
Well…that’s stupid. Isn’t that thing more useful for anything other than a blue meanie attack?
“But we don’t see any blue meanies around here”
“Then it starts with a switch”
Sure, why not.
As they start learning to operate the submarine, they sing All Together Now. Get ready for scenes that have no reason other than to squeeze in a beatles song.
First they end up in the sea of time, where time flows both forwards and backwards. They suddenly start getting older
“We better do something!”
And….."When I'm Sixty-Four" plays.
Very helpful. (well it’s a good song so whatever)
They pass through, and that scene is never mentioned again .k They then end up in the sea of science…where they sing Only a Northern Song",
This is literally right after the last song. Seriously, can this movie go on minute without a awesome trippy music video?!
…I shouldn’t complain. It’s the best acid trip I’ve had in years!
The scene ends and they then end up in the sea of monsters.
No, not that one!
This leads to another cool acid scene…with no song this time. Is it that a good or bad thing, considering the music of the beatles?
So far I haven’t had much to discuss so far. It’s just a bunch of trippy scenes I can’t describe or make jokes about. This isn’t a bad thing really, as I’m enjoying it. But I’m just saying.
A monstrous "vacuum cleaner beast" (don’t ask) sucks up all loose objects and people and then the entire landscape and finally itself, freeing them.
But now they’re in the middle of nowhere, literally. Then they meet a strange…thing named Jeremy Hilary Boob (heh…).
“He’s so smart he doesn’t even remember what he knows”
I should also mention, the dialogue is sprinkled with funny clever lines by the Not!Beatles. which makes the “normal” scenes much easier to watch. I also like how they are the straight men to all this strange-ness. The movie knows it’s strange so they serve as somewhat of a audience surrogate in a way.
Then they sing Nowhere man. The first song to make sense in the “plot”. After the song they take the man and head to the next sea.
So I guess it’s a road trip movie…without the road. And more awesome-ness. But in this new sea, Foothills of the Headlands (or Sea of Heads) they are separated from the submarine.
…then they sing "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". Okay now this is the most big lipped alligator moment-y scene so far. Seriously, there’s no reason for this scene to even be here. It’s A great song, and scene, of course. But I can’t help but point this out.
I don’t want you think I dislike this movie so far. I’m really enjoying it. It’s just lacking in a sequential story…
But stories are soooo mainstream, right?
They then end up in the sea of holes. None of these seas have any water, by the way. So…none of them are seas.
“What do you know about holes?”
I really should make an asshole joke…but I’m above that.
They go through the holes and rigno…thoroughly investigates one. Hey the movie made the joke for me!
Ringo puts one of the holes in his pocket, and then a blue meanie pops up and kidnaps Jeremy. They then finally reach the sea of green. You know, that thing mentioned in the song? Yea this bit only last TEN SECONDS.
They are reunited with fred and meet the mayor. The meanies have taken over pepperland, and gotten rid of anything that makes music. So wait, they just pulled the first bozo who could play music to save them? Then they could have gotten any music group! Well it IS the beatles. I’d ask them for help to, even If I just needed to fix the TV.
They also made the citizens of pepper land statues by throwing loads of big green apples upon them (a curious reference to the Apple Records music label),
You know, even Wikipedia says the film is “surreal”. And that’s a site for facts.
And I don’t think I can properly sum up the rest of the film. It’s awesome insane and fun. That’s all you need to know. Oh and the beatles save pepperland, stop the blue meanies, and turn them good.
Let’s skip to the very end, as something cool happens…
The movie ends…with a cameo by the REAL beatles! They crack a couple jokes, melt our eyes with awesome, and sing a reprise of "All Together Now",
And thus the movie ends. Are you sad I didn’t go into more detail? Well if you watch it, you couldn’t go in depth either
This movie is insane. The animation, while stiff, is very pretty, the voice acting is good, the dioluage is sometimes funny, and while there doesn’t seem to be much of overall story, it’s still engaging enough.
The trip out scenes are amazing to look at. This movie defines what I love about the beatles. It’s trippy, fun, and awesome.
While I do complain about it having pointless scenes, those scenes are still fun to watch. It may be a big lipped alligator film, but that’s not a bad thing at all.
It’s a strange film, but a highly enjoyable one. Fun movie for what it is, and that’s all
Grade: B
Wait…next month is march. And you know what that means….
(Also known as “Toon’d out month)
So what’s our first film up for review?