Hallo, sponagy here.
Ya may bee wondaring aboot may harrirble spalling….more tan usual.
Well, you se, the moviae I wastched taday az so dumb and shatty dat it mad me dumber.
Dumbar dan usual anwayz.
Fram da title, ya kan tall wat film it is. I cantz thank of any big intradoctioin far dis reviow. Cuz of ma brain-y thang.
So witout father adu, dis, is Fred 2: Night of the living Fred
da movie opans wit fred talking to us like in da forst one
“My life is a horror movie!”
well, itz a honorable movie butt you wre clase
“I’m so scared! And you’ll be too once you hear about it”
I survived fred 1, dude. I will ba finer.
So fred tellz us wat happaend after da forst one.
“You remember judy right? I dumped here”
How bad iz it wen FRED dumps ya?
Oh and den dar is an imagine spot in da from of a casblancea parodie.
Dose thangs don’t beland togethAe.
Den he tallz us he iz full of shat and judy brake up wit him.
Pontlass, mulch?
So he talls us aboot hiz grat musaz techar, butt the next da he fins our dar iz a knew one who replacred har.
Hiz nam is mr Devilin.
Butt I wall call him crappy vamparie dude
Da crappy prat wazn’t a taypo.
Den whale he wax home, dis creppy chik stalks him, so he rans like a lattle girl.
Den he falls in a blabbies pool…den the blabby pisses on harm.
Fred alzo sees dat the creepy dude iz maving in nex doar to him. But befare he can yall, da chack cathes up to hiom.
So he rans home and da film cathes up to da strat. Dis becames pontlass wen it jusrt cats to da nextr dag.
Fred iz hanging out wid berthsa. And talls her aboots tda creppy thans.
And hare you wall notces bertha is no langer played by jennete. For some rassin dey replacerd har wit Danniler monet.
Az nicer as shle iz, it painz me 2 see har in 2 shat films in one yar. I lake her in Victorious, so y is sha wasiting herself here?
And yas, she haz as mulch propeuse as sha did in da fortst one.
So fred jus akls da girl y she stilk s him turns out they just have da sam skool route. Oh, and her nam is Tali, and she is plaed by Ariel winter.
So da next dag at skool, creepy dudes tlaks about an upcoming piano recital, walch fred and the ever likable kevin are both in.
Fred preformz for da teachar, and in a nutshell, he thanks fred sucks.
I’m symphasizer wit him so frar.
So fred tlaks to talia aboot his sroows. She offares him a cockie.
Da cookaie locks like fred. Dat’s kwauite crappy. I mean creepy.
‘nah, I meant crappy.
Butt seraly, wut is da poit of har? Perhaps….duhhh I can’t think of y she;s in dis. Damn you movie! I want meh brains bak!
So, whare were waw? Oh yahr.
Talia dssapears witout a trac and fred notaces dis and scrams like a bitch. He strats to thank she mit be a ghost.
Dat wood explirn y shes sooo dam creepy. Geez.
Fred haz a ward imagine spoot where a ghost talia spaks to him about how sha dead. Dis is stewpid beyond marny lava’s. Fred actz az if she waz rally tlakign to him. Wit da imagine shat in da frotst on he new it waz him marking shar up. But here itz nawt lke dat!
Fred stewily flass down dah strairs, hurting himself. Ahhh, so satytsfing to witch!
Fred’s momma gets da dor, ans it iz kevan’s momma who iz invitign them to a praty for da eval due. Dise movaeis ruin partys foraver, man.
Aslo, kevan’s mom is palyed…by flo form da progressaive ads? Wut?!
Aslo , mom conineus 2 be da onlay lickable charaters in da film. Blass her and her fred hartin waies.
Den…..john cena shows urp 2 be pointless again!
Wat, det sad in da frost 1 dat cena
iz naht fred dad. (it waz imploied at d end). So y is he here in cena form? I don’t get it.
Aslo he “lievs” in fred’s fadge. Wut.
See why dis falm mad me stewpid? Or at least incrapble of coharen speech?
We curt to da praty where fred’s mam meats da evil eacher….and getz da hotz for ham.
Fred talks to kevin.
“Hey, you look like Robert pattinson…if he were stupid!”
“Hey, you look like Robert pattinson…if he were stupid!”
1. Prop cuktrue joke dat Is un-frunny? Yay
2. He haz way moar talent den you, drumbass!
Oh yea, I went der.
“Could you get me a coke, please”
Den talia shows up at da praty. Y is she der.
She iz kevan’s sista.
No jorking.
Fred ranz homre and firgues sometin ourt aboot da evial dude
“you switch the around the letters in his name, and you get devil…with an extra N”
“you switch the around the letters in his name, and you get devil…with an extra N”
Iz dat kin kda funnah, or estra stewpid?
…oh shat, dis film’s stewpid ness iz grettign 2 me!!!!111
I amrem even using un-needead 1’s and !”s
I got 2 figrht it! Let’z moave on.
Fred plotz 2 snak up 2 da dude’s huse in da maddle of da nat to c wut is goin own.
Fred c’s him burying somtin, and he tink’s it’s da kat of a sum laddie.i dunno wut happenz latter yet, but I beat dis is jurst fred bein stewpid. Dis movie haz no blass.
Fred haz an imagiane spot wit da old teacar warning him aboot da new dude…by shoring up in hiz pancake.
Sure y naht.
Oh noes…daaaa movie haz gortten so stewpid dat I am gerrtign lezz carpable of sppach!
I must doooo somein about dis!
Exccruss me!
Ah, inception. Smart film that made me think..
I have defeated this movie with the power of brains! And we’re only a quarters of a way through!
Okay, enough with the lame bad spelling gags, let’s do this movie the way I always do…badly, but fairly!
So the next day, Fred tells Bertha his theory on the evil dude…he is an alien. Sure, why not.
Why are all these there? We get it, fred thinks he is evil and that he killed that lady. Fine, I understand. Do we need to see into his non-existent brain?!
But in this little bit, we see the evil dude as an alien bug thing…sucking out fred’s blood. Okay, that’s kinda cool.
Fred later talks to Talia about the whole kevin thing. Turns out she’s just been in the background this whole time and idiot fred never noticed her. Oh, and the flashback that show’s this, there is part…with Fred in a spongebob suit. The exact one I used to wear on Halloween.
Movie, go to hell. You go to hell and you die!
So at home Fred sees some Count Chocula and finally figures out the real truth
“He…is a vampire!”
So the alien scene was fucking pointless. yay.
This leads to ANOTHER imagine spot with vampires…and…this scene…makes fun…OF TWILIGHT!
Fred fucking broke the most important rule of movies: Never reference something better than you.
And that thing is FREAKING TWILIGHT!
And this movie came out in 2011, before Breaking dawn part 1 came out. So the joke was freaking dead!
Geez, even Seltzerberg did a better job! Okay, I went a little far there.
And speak of the devil, the dude shows up,…for a date with Fred’s mom. I just threw up a little.
Fred invites him, breaking one of the vampire rules HE TALKED ABOUT PRIOR TO THIS SCENE. I hate Fred, and this movie does not make him less of a horrible person.
Okay, I am getting way too angry here. It’s not as awful as the first one, but that’s not saying much. So Fred and Bertha head to the restaurant where the 2 are at, and Fred is mistaken for a chef. Oh boy, I can’t wait to see wacky hijinks!
Oh, and in a bit with the…couple, there is a joke with the word damn it. At least no one got called a gang banger.
No I am not over that.
After a stupid/pointless cooking scene,. Bertha poses as the waitress. Mr. Devlin orders a bloody steak making Bertha more suspicious.
Fred returns home, with more suspicions, and happy knowing he wasted our freaking time with that cooking scene. Seriously, it went on for 5 minutes! That night, Fred tries to think of ways to stop the vampire.
Then….John cena shows up for another imagine spot. This time…with Fred as a WWE wrestler
Worst. Actor Allusion. Ever.
It runs on too long and it’s really stupid. Seriously, these imagine spots are stupid and they only pad the freaking movie!
The next day, Fred finds out the vampire dude is involved in a blood donation drive. You know, if he’s gonna turn out to be…not a vampire,, (yea,. Spoilers) then why is he doing all this? It seriously cannot be a coincidence.
You know what? I hate to pull another Yellow submarine on you guys…but I can’t take this. The rest of the movie has little to discuss. More shit happens, fred finds out the guy is not a vampire, and there is a cool scene where fred pretends to get staked and has fake blood spew everyone. No ,I will not give context. It wouldn’t help anyway.
I can’t stand to give this thing more respect than it deserves, and there’s little to talk about to be left in my play by play form. If you would like to know what happens, there are two options I will explain later
Let’s cut to the chase
Final Thoughts:
From the rest of the review, you might think I hate this movie as much as the first and just wanted to kill myself.
But honestly…it’s not as bad as the first one. But, that’s not saying much. The first one was HORRIBLE in every way possible. This one…was just really bad.
It suffers from the same issues as the first. The characters are either bland or stupid/unlikable, the story is clichĂ©, Fred is an annoying pile of shit, and it’s not funny at all. But one or two small jokes worked and at least it had a storyline that has tiny bits that were okay. The first movie was a clusterfuck with no story whatsoever. So I admire this movie for having a storyline I could follow.
Sure, this movie is still stupid as hell, and not funny, but at least there’s that. I didn’t fully hate this movie. It was another bad kids TV movie. There was nothing about it’s shittiness that made it stand out unlike the first one. It is among the dumbest things ever, but in a more general sense.
So it sucks, just not as hard as part 1. It’s a crummy Halloween film that is not good as a comedy. But as a horror film, it’s great. It sure scared me!
If you would like to see a review of this movie, look up the Hardcore kids review. It’s quite funny.
Grade: D
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