Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pixar-athon #6: The Incredibles

(I apologize for the late-ness of this review.)
Hello, Spongey here.
Welcome back to Pixar-athon!

Okay, last time we established the pixar film most people I know love the most. However, ever since I started this I’ve been asked the ultimate question…besides the one whose answer is 42.
“What, is your favorite pixar film?”
Well, today I shall finally answer that question. Let’s look at what I consider to be the best pixar film
This, is The Incredibles

Following a Super Registration Act and consequent court ruling, all superheroes have been forced into retirement. Superstrong Mr. Incredible and the stretching Elastigirl are now just Bob and Helen Parr. They have a quiet life in the suburbs with an ordinary house, a normal job and 2.4 children: disruptive and superfast Dash, shy Violet (who can turn invisible and project force fields), and baby Jack-Jack, who seems to have no powers. In other words, they are a very rough equivalent of the Fantastic Four. Most of them are not too happy with the situation.
When Bob gets an offer from a mysterious woman named Mirage to relive his Glory Days and help out a high-tech facility gone wrong, he Jumps at the Call without telling his family. Soon, though, he gets in trouble, and finds he needs all the help his family can offer to help him save the day from a Diabolical Mastermind with an Evil Plan and a Killer Robot.

Let me get it all out of my system first.


..sorry about that.
Anyway, yes this is the best pixar film is you ask me.
But for now, I will just explain why it’s good instead rave on why it’s the best.

I didn’t actually see this in theaters. I got on DVD and have watched it ever since. I haven’t watched it as much as finding nemo, but I’ve seen it a lot. My DVD is quite warn out now, but it’s watchable. My nemo DVD will be like that in a few years, I swear.
Anyway, this film is interesting for a few reasons
1.    It was pixar’s first PG rated film why? Well, it has violence, Electric Torture, suicide attempts, large-scale destruction, bad guys who Would Hurt a Child, and "good guys" who run from the police and lie to their own families, all in the same film. And you thought finding nemo was dark!
2.    It is pixar’s longest movie at 1 hour 55 mins long.

And of course, it is their first movie with an all human cast. Actually, it’s their only one. Up had dogs and a bird. This has only humans (and two robots)
Well SUPER humans but still.

Anyway, now the for the characters.
We have the family. Each member of the family is well devolved and unique. Some people like elastgirl due to her…assets. Others may like jack jack cuz of that awesome short that pixar made with him.
I’d go for violet due to several important scene where she has to pretty much take responsibility and all that cool shit.

I also really enjoy the side characters. The boss, that kid in the driveway, and mirage.  All quite funny.

Anyway, I really cannot sum it words how great this movie is. This is the hardest review I’d had to write . I mean this movie is so fantastic, any words I can think of can’t do it justice. And I say that in all seriousness.

But I shall press on.

This is also one of those superhero movies that made me wish I had superpowers. Most superhero films don’t do this since I don’t care to broad like batman or anything.
Wait, I forgot the best and most popular character of all!
…dash’ s teacher, who hams it up when he thinks dash did something bad. Sure, he’s only on screen for one minute. But he says the best line in film history.

Oh, and edna mode (Voiced by the director, brad bird) is cool too.
As for the voice actors….well Samuel Jackson is frozone. And he’s amazing. the rest does good too but come on, you know at this point.
Everything you expect to be amazing, is amazing. The action, the animation, and of course, the deep issues.
There’s issue an  brought up that fans debate over. You see, the reason the supers were banned, is that one night Mr Incredible saved a guy who was falling off a building….that was committing SUICDIDE.
You know-for kids!
But anyway, people have been debating on if this part was needed or not. I say it is. Why? Well, in order for this plot point about the supers to work, you need something where the government would have no choice but to hide them from the public. With this suicide thing, they have a big issue on their hands. If they let the super’s go, the suicide guy will complain, and tons of crap will turn out. So thus, with this plot point in place, they have no choice but to hide the super’s.
…I can see why was Pixar’s first PG movie.
Well that and the fact that syndrome has an implied death…then again so did Hopper and that movie was G.
And Finding Nemo had all those dark/deep issues...the MPAA just don’t get pixar films, do they?

And now for the villain, Syndrome. At the start of the film, we see him as a kid, and he’s a big fan of Mr incredible.  However, he rejects “Buddy” (his real name) and thus he grows up to hate him and you know the rest. He’s one those rare villains with a sad backstory…but is still a horrible monster you want dead.

And as for John Ratenburger’s character…well his character doesn’t show up until the last scene of the film. And he only has a few lines. He appears as a new villain, the underminer that shows up after everything is said and done. The film ends with the family gearing up, since superhero it up now.
There was a video game follow-up called rise of the underminer, so if you want to know what happens, you got to play it…or watch a walk through on youtube.
And now for the easter eggs:
A113 is the conference room Mr incredible is told to go to, where he meets syndrome.
Shockingly, there is no pizza planet truck. At all. No idea why. Ask brad bird (or the animators)
During the final; battle, one of the cars on the street resembles Doc Hudson from Cars.
I think that’s it for the notable easter eggs.

To sum things up, The Incredibles is my favorite pixar film. It’s funny, action packed, and full of fantastic characters. But you know all that by now.

This is spongey saying, crabs still don’t have uvulas.  

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